Apse Frescos
1.- The three great frescoes by Mattia Preti, known as the Calabrian Knight. Pretti (1613-1699), who came to Rome after a first formation in the Neapolitan environment, performed between 1650 and 1651, the three great frescoes of the lower part of the apse, where he manifested compositional ability and sensibly decorative effect, achieved with The coordinating function of light. In the left pane, “Saint Andrew hoisted on the cross”. In the center, “The Crucifixion of the saint”. In the right pane, “The burial of s. Andrew”.
2.- The work of Carlo Cignani and Alessandro Taruffi. On the contrary, the frescos “The condemnation of s.Andrew” which is seen on the left door of the presbytery is made by the Bolognese Carlo Cignani(1628-1719), pupil of the Albani and then influenced by the Reni and Guercino; and the one on the right door: ” The arrival of the Cardinal Bessarione to Ancona bearing the head of saint Andrew” in which Cignani had as a collaborator Alessandro Taruffi.